
Saturday, 13 October 2012

Tea Cosy

My Tea Cosy
Sometimes it can be difficult to settle down into a new crafty project because I find that I can have a lot of work that needs to be done.  This is where our knitting group comes in handy because I can dedicate myself to a couple of hours each week to work on the things that I am making, and it is really enjoyable sitting with a fun and friendly group where everyone is happy to help each other.

My most recent project is a tea cosy, to be honest it has taken me quite a while but (and it is the same old excuse) I got busy and sort of, well... forgot about it!  However I have now got my act together and after a few weeks of just knitting in my spare time I came up with this fully functioning tea cosy.

It looks rather like something from the 1960's doesn't it!  Well I like it, and as I said from the first post in my blog I am happy to say that, with a bit of help, I made that!

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